Experts across the Americas
Throughout our academic year (August-June) we recruit distinguished professionals of the Americas as our faculty members, who follow our Learning by Doing educational philosophy.
We offer a view of the regional Sustainability Context with full knowledge of the Risks and Opportunities that affect Latin America.
Our Faculty and guest lecturers also bring their local outlook for complementary scenarios.
Meet the Faculty who will join us in this 2021-22 academic year.

Cintia Vanesa Días 🇦🇷
Emotional Intelligence
Cintia Vanesa Días is an expert in Emotional Intelligence and Educational Director and co-founder of CapacitaRSE since 2006.
Participate in the Master’s programs of the institution and in the design of the curricular strategy of the programs.

Alberto Guajardo 🇨🇱
R&D / Reporting
Alberto Guajardo is Director of R&D at CapacitaRSE and Master in Quality Systems. With more than 15 years of experience in the preparation of Sustainability Reports, he participates in a wide variety of programs in our educational offer.

Rocío Rodríguez 🇦🇷
Climate Change
Rocío Rodríguez is an Industrial Engineer and Coordinator of the Energy and Climate Change area in the Secretariat of Energy of the Government of Argentina. She is also a Master in Renewable Energies.

Cristian Araneda O. 🇨🇱
Circular Economy
Cristian Araneda O. is a specialist in Solid Waste Management. He participates in the Chile Residuos initiative, and is Corporate Head of Environmental, Thermoelectric and Transmission Management at the Colbún company.

Fernando Legrand 🇦🇷
Strategy / Circular Economy
Fernando Legrand has been an Academic Coordinator and co-founder of CapacitaRSE since 2006. Linked to the field of Social Responsibility since 2004, he is one of the most recognized experts in the region, and has specialized in Circular Economy and Strategy in recent years.

Celina Pagani-Tousignant 🇺🇸
Sustainability Context
Celina Pagani-Tousignant is President of the Normisur consulting firm in the United States of America (USA). Outstanding specialist in Social Responsibility and Sustainability issues with experience in companies around the world.

Valmir Martins de Oliveira 🇨🇱🇧🇷
Sustainability Context
Valmir Martins de Oliveira holds a PhD in International Relations, Academic and Researcher from the Autonomous University of Chile.
He is also co-founder of the Symposium for the Social Responsibility of Organizations (SIRSO) that brings together academics from all over the region.

Stephanie Leroux 🇨🇴🇺🇸
Compliance and Social Standards
Stephanie Leroux is a senior auditor in Social Compliance with experience in large multinationals that require Social Audit processes to meet Sustainability criteria in their Supply Chain.

Beatriz Calderón Alzate 🇨🇱🇨🇴
Beatriz Calderón is the Director of Cerendypia, a consultancy firm, and Academic at the Finis Terrae University (Chile). She was also Director of R&D at GovernArt Chile and has been promoting Sustainable Finance for more than a decade.

William Quea 🇵🇪
Community Relations
William Quea is an expert in Community Relations with experience in the field of mining. He currently works as Regional Coordinator – Piura for UNDP’s FMAM Gold Peru Project.