Nowadays, change steers Sustainability Reporting worldwide. As regulations move forward in the European Union and other countries, convergence has increasingly become requirement for Sustainability Reporting standards and frameworks. The GRI Standards are a staple for sustainability Reporting, along other frameworks such as Sustainability Account Standards Board (SASB) and Integrated Reporting (IIRC). They focus on the disclosure of environmental, social and governance (ESG) information by companies to their investors that also incorporates the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
CapacitaRSE´s Sustainability Reporting Course offers a breakthrough curriculum based on two of the top reporting standards in the world (GRI and SASB) to produce high quality sustainability reports within businesses and organizations worldwide.
This two-week online-only course allows each participant to integrate base concepts and methods from the GRI and SASB standards and develop a Sustainability Report draft for their organization, with the guidance of experienced trainers and interaction with a global community of like-minded peers. The resulting Report draft adds an unique practical experience to the concepts explored during the coursework.
Since its inception in 2011, more than 150 profesionals have enhanced their Sustainability Reporting abilities thanks to this course. They come from well-known companies such as The Walt Disney Company Latin America, KPMG, Mastellone Hnos, Grupo Terra, YPFB Chaco and others.
Note: CapacitaRSE´s courses, unless otherwise specified, are provided entirely in the Spanish language.
Sustainability Reporting Online Course
Next Start
October 10th, 2022
Duration: Two Weeks
Start Date: October 10th, 2022
Duration: Two weeks
Fee: see below
Platform: Campus CapacitaRSE (100% Online)
Language: Spanish
Course Requirements: participants will be asked to pass specific requirements during the course plus deliver a Sustainability Report draft. Course access is open 24/7.
Certificate of Completion: an official certificate of completion will be awarded to those participants who have passed all requirements and delivered a Sustainability Report draft.
Fernando Legrand (Argentina) is CapacitaRSE´s Academic Coordinator and Co-Founder since 2006. Legrand is an regional speaker on Sustainability and a lead consultant on Stakeholder Dialogue and Sustainable Communications for businesses in Colombia and Chile. He also leads innovation initiatives for Sustainability Reporting, focused on Open Data and Big Data.
- What is a Sustainability Report?: Global Context for Sustainability Reporting. What are the GRI Standards?
- Aplicattion Guidelines: Standard Convergence How to align a GRI Standard Report with other best-known international standards (ISO26000, SASB, Integrating Reporting and others).
- Stakeholder Identification: How the organisation´s main stakeholders and dialogue channels are identified and assessed for better material topics identification.
- GRI Content Index Preparation: Material topics relevant to the organization and its stakeholders. How to establish the Disclosure on Management Agreements (DMA). The SASB Materiality Map.
- Sustainability Strategy Development: How ley “sustainability pillars” within each organization are identified, in order to build up the Report Structure, with added Step-by-step Guide and videoclasses.
- Report Structure and Publishing: How should the Sustainability Report be structured for publishing according to the GRI, SASB and SDG guidelines.
- Next Cycle Preparation: #Dialogue20 as a feedback mechanism for the stakeholders. Open Data and key indicators for each sector.
- Report Draft: a Sustainability Report Draft will be required from each participante as the final exercise for the Online Course.
Una vez que concluyas tu curso y hayas cumplido los requisitos solicitados, recibirás tu Certificado de Aprobación con firma digital legalizada
Once you had completed the course and you get the course requirements, you’ll be get your Course Certificate with e-sign.
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